Saturday 28 May 2011

May 28, 2010

Today was all about walking. We walked and walked and in case you were wondering we walked some more. My feet are happy to be sitting and resting. We went to some great museums in London. First, we visited the V& A, which is the Victoria and Albert Museum. The exterior of the building itself was amazing to look at but holds even greater pieces of treasures inside. Every floor we went on had great pieces of art, furniture, and period clothing. After the V& A we had a quick lunch break and took another long journey to the Tate Modern Museum. Along the way we explored the streets and saw famous London sites. Including: The original London Bridge and the well known London Bridge. After the site seeing, we made it to Tate Modern. This museum held mostly paintings, photography, and sculpture. I also bought my first souvenir here, just for your information! After the group sight seeing, I was able to have the fabulous opportunity to see a play at the Globe Theatre. I saw All's Well That Ends Well, it was lovely!!! The actors were splendid and it was so entertaining. We got cheap tickets for the standing area for only 5 pounds. It was a killer of a deal but also was a little painful to stand for two hours and 40 minutes after all the walking. But it was completely worth the pain and a memory of a lifetime. What a great third day in the great city of London!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you were able to see a play. How fun! You make me want to go so bad now to Europe. You should make your blog into a book and print it off as a memory. I can show you how if you want to. I love you sis! Amazing pictures.
