Monday 30 May 2011

May 30, 2011

Today we started early and took the train to the great Burghley House. We caught a bus from the train station and rode for the first time on the wrong side of the rode. Crazy! When we arrived at the house, we arrived with the rain "spitting" on us as the locals like to say. We entered the house and was able to have a tour guide that was very informative but still entertaining. He told many interesting facts and I learned a lot. The design of the house was all centered on the main courtyard and revolved around it. The rooms wrapped around the courtyard and a grand gallery or hallway allowed you to access the different bedrooms. There was also a secret passageway next to the grand gallery for the servants to have access to the bedrooms. They would place secret openings along tapestries or create walls along moldings in the wall. How cool was that! After the tour, we went to the Orangery and I had a yummy scone and a slice of lemon cake. It was delicious! While our stomach's were full we took a walk to the gardens while the rain stopped for a short time. It was a great time to get some beautiful pictures of the flowers and house. After the gardens, we drove to Stamford and enjoyed ourselves. We were soaked but kept going. We found some really great shops with really cute clothes. I got some really cute jewelry at one shop right before we had to leave to catch the bus. I found a rose ring and a watch. I can know what time it is! Hurray! Which reminds me as I glance down at it right at this moment that it is late and I need sleep for another busy day tomorrow. Looking forward to another great day in London.

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