Sunday 26 June 2011

June 26, 2011 The Magnifico Spain

The exterior of Casa Mila, designed by Antonio Gaudi. 

The intricate and over the top Sagrada Familia. 

Interior of Sagrada Familia. 

Interior of Sagrada Familia.

The terrace and long curvy bench at the "Park Guell".

The giant fish designed by Frank Gehry. 

Barcelona's Gherkin

Taking time to smile while on our hot walking tour of Barcelona under the shade of  a Wheeping Willow 
My second day in Spain began by a pounding on our door.  Our alarm hadn't gone off and our group was waiting downstairs for us. We were supposed to meet at nine and that was exactly what time it was. Luckily I had planned a little ahead the night before and managed to get ready in about a ten minutes. That was a miracle for me! Oh well, now I know that it is a possibility for me. We made it downstairs and were off to tour the magnifico Barcelona. We all loaded onto the tour bus and were off. While driving to our first destination, we passed the famous Casa Mila. This house was designed by Antonio Gaudi and had the wave like walls and organic lines that were characteristic of his style. It was amazing to see it right in front of me, instead of just a picture online or in a textbook. The house was incredible. After a little more driving we found ourselves outside of the Sagrada Familia. This is a Roman-Catholic cathedral designed by Gaudi. The cathedral was started in 1882 and is still under construction to this day with many more years to come to finish out Gaudi's original plan for the building. The interior was magical as soon as you entered through the main entrance. There was so much to see everywhere that you looked. After Sagrada Familia, our tour also involved seeing the "Park Guell". This place involves the famous long bench covered with "trencadis" or pieces of ceramic.  What a bench! It was incredible to see and very comfortable to sit on. Some more highlights of our tour involved seeing the Frank Gehry fish and the Barcelona Gherkin in the business district of the city. Barcelona is such an incredible city with a rich heritage and a unique architectural style. Looking forward to free days in Spain....

Saturday 25 June 2011

June 25, 2011 Welcome to Spain!!!!

The Olympic Needle in the distance with the disappearing stairs. 

The 1992 Olympic Stadium in Barcelona. 

My first view of the coast with the heat haze in the distance. 

Detail of a sidewalk! 

The magnifico city of Barcelona. 

My refreshing fruit smoothie, such bright and vivid colors. 

Dancing in the square-what a treat to witness!
I made my way from the streets of Paris to the streets of Barcelona, Spain today. As soon as I walked outside of the airport I could tell I was in a different place than France. The sun was shining and the air was humid with palm trees in the distance. We piled ourselves and our luggage onto a tour bus and started adjusting ourselves to the city of Barcelona. We stopped at the Olympic Stadium and the white Olympic Needle. I had forgotten that the olympics were in Barcelona in 1992. I also had my first view of the coast line and got to see what a heat haze looks like.  While looking out at the coast you could see the huge cruise ships all lined up and docked near the coast. When we were walking to the different places along the tour, I had to snap a photo to admire the sidewalks. They were incredible and great inspiration for pattern design. Also while viewing the coast I could also admire the view of the city in the distance. I could see Sagrada Familia and noticed how it towered above the many other buildings that surrounded it. After a very hot afternoon, we got to visit a market that sold everything that you could possibly want to eat. We had some very yummy and refreshing fruit smoothies. The market had fruit, meat, peppers, fish, and many more very fresh foods to choose from. While finishing off my fruit smoothie we made it to the fresh fish and seafood area. The taste of fruit and the smell of fish do not mix so well. It was a little harder to swallow what was in my mouth while being consumed by a strong fishy smell. Towards the end of our city and walking tour we found some music in an open area and got to see some dancing. The people would gather in large circles and were led by one person who directed the entire group by squeezing the person's hand next to them. It was an incredible sight to see and groups kept forming themselves and covered the entire square. What a great first day in Spain!!!! Excited to be in a different country and to experience new things!!!

Friday 24 June 2011

June 24, 2011 Last day in Paris

Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise

Path to the many different headstones in the cemetery. 

View of the Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise.

An eclair waiting to be eaten by my hungry mouth.

Sketching at the Eiffel Tower.

Art exhibit of abstractions of the Eiffel Tower.

Me and my yummy creme brulee!
The last day in Paris... well all good things must come to an end. But not really! I get to go to Spain next. Yay!!!! Well today involved a surprise visit to the Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise. This cemetery is more common to me as the site of where they filmed the Phantom of the Opera cemetery scene. We visited this landmark in Paris for pattern inspiration. All of the different headstones were very elaborate and detailed works of art. Many of the older headstones were small structures themselves and had intricate details. The cemetery actually covers a grand total of 109 acres. Wow! It is a place that I could easily get lost in if I went off of the cobblestone paths. After walking and gaining inspiration at the cemetery I had a yummy eclair for dessert. Overall, one of my favorite desserts on this trip are chocolate eclairs. The french definitely know how to make their pastries. Later after some packing, I ventured back to the Eiffel Tower for some sketching. I found a quiet spot and began putting pen on paper. It was a great time to sit and enjoy the Eiffel Tower while also being able to reflect on my stay while in Paris. I had been able to see so much and experience what the city had to offer all in a short amount of time. After sketching and enjoying the view of the tower, I walked back to my hotel. Along the way home, there was a collection of abstractions of the Eiffel Tower by various artists. It was fun to see how one shape could be converted into so many different things. To finish off my last night in Paris, I went out to dinner with some girls from my group to our favorite "Amalfi's". This restaurant served italian cuisine and were very friendly with us. When we would walk past their restaurant they would always wave and smile to us. It was fun to have friends in a foreign country. They also made excellent food and spoke English which helped if we had any questions. To end this night I had some delicious pasta and a creme brulee for dessert. I had to have something that was authentic to France on my last night. What a great place and I hope to return someday with a special someone!! Tomorrow I will be in Spain-I'm excited for a change of scenery and looking forward to it with high hopes.

Thursday 23 June 2011

June 23, 2011 The Grand Versailles

The gold gate is just a small taste of what is to come. 

An art collection of rounded pieces of metal were  by the entrance and in the gardens. 

Seeing double?

The cottages of Marie-Antoinette.

The beautiful flowers and more of Le Domaine de Marie-Antoinette. 

Le Grand Trianon (pink stone and black & white checkered floor)

The Hall of Mirrors (Yes, I was there! I give you permission to be jealous.)
Today we visited the Chateau of Versailles.  What an incredible experience! We began outside in the gardens that are huge and expansive. Overall Versailles, five main places: the Chateau or the castle, le jardin or the gardens, le Grand Trianon and the Petite Trianon, and Marie-Antoinettes cottages. So back to the gardens, you can spend hours in them ( we spent close to five hours in them).  They have many fountains, statues, and excellent landscape design. After spending time in the gardens we sketched the Petite Trianon, and then walked to Marie-Antoinettes cottages. She was married to King Louis XVI and one of the only queens to impose her personal taste and style upon Versailles. She created these cottages for a simple, rural life, far from the grandness of Versailles. The cottages were quaint and reminded me of something Snow White would choose to live in. After the cottages, we visited le Grand Trianon. It has a pink colored marble with a black & white checkered floor. Once we had finished touring the Grand Trianon we made our way back to the Chateau. A little history about the house is that it was once the hunting lodge of Louis XIII and was converted and enlarged by his son Louis XIV.  As the different kings lived on the property, they would add their own addition and continue to add to the grandness of Versailles. My favorites included the gardens, cottages, and the Hall of Mirrors. What a house-and I got to see it!!! WOW!!!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

June 21, 2011 Free Day in Paris

Today was another free day in Paris. To sum up the day I say the Paris Opera House, Champs de Elysee, The French Statue of Liberty, and once again my favorite-the Eiffel Tower. The Paris Opera House was incredible and what a treat to see.  I had been looking forward to seeing it for awhile. Before going inside we watched some performers outside and enjoyed some free entertainment. The interior was also incredible to see but the lighting wasn't the greatest for good photos. But what an experience! One day I hope to go back to Paris and see an actual opera inside the Opera House. But for now I am a satisfied tourist. After enjoying the opera house we walked along the Champs de Elysse. This street is a major tourist and shopping center. The shops along the street were fun to go inside but the price tags didn't match what was in my wallet. Later that night, I made my way to the French Statue of Liberty and caught another visit to the Eiffel Tower. I just can't get enough of that tower. Its an incredible piece of architecture and has come to represent the French culture. What a day!!

June 22, 2011 Sacre Coeur

The stairs in Paris are great workouts, especially when you climb lots of them. 

The exterior of Sacre Coeur in the Byzantine style of architecture. 

The view made the climb completely worth it! I was standing at the highest point in Paris when I took this photo.

We got to watch portraits evolve in front of our eyes. 

My dinner being prepared right in front of me. Yummy!

Sweet delights! Makes my mouth water if I stare at it for too long. 

Today involved working on patterns that are a requirement of this grand European adventure. The inspiration for patterns is everywhere you look in the places that we have visited but a little different once you put pen to paper. I am excited to be able to work on them once I get home and refine my skills in photoshop and illustrator. We visited a church called Sacre Coeur, which is at the highest part of France. The views surrounding the building were incredible and showed the entire city of Paris.  Every building has a history and so much more detail than buidings back home.  The inside of the Sacre Coeur was majestic and I enjoyed seeing the dome stretch high above me while I craned my neck to see the very top. While inside, photos were not allowed but I took plenty of the exterior. After touring the church, we ventured out to the nearby streets. I did what I like to do best- shopping! I found a lot of souvenirs and ended with a delicious crepe filled with ham, egg, and cheese. I have really enjoyed eating them but still need to try a dessert crepe instead of just a savory one. After shopping and visiting the Sacre Coeur we made our way back to the hotel on the metro. I felt like a true American tourist with my map and all out in the open, but we made it to our stop "Dupleix". Later that night after admiring my purchases I made my way to the nearest grocery store or as they call them "Super Marche". The one I have been to in the past was closed, so I ended up walking down the other direction to the end of the street. I entered the store and found clothes and beauty products on the lower floor. Next, I rode the escalator up hoping that was where the food was. I was right and found the food. I couldn't read the signs so I walked down the aisles hoping to find what I needed. Over time, I found my items and made my way to the checkstand. I had grabbed some fruit but for some reason the checker wouldn't allow me to get it. I think that I had to buy it in a different area of the store. Whoops! I tried to be healthy but was unsuccessful. Made my way back home and tried to catch up on blogging.  Tomorrow we are going to... VERSAILLES! I am so excited and thrilled to have this opportunity.

Monday 20 June 2011

June 20, 2011 Free Day in Paris

My finds at the flea market-too bad my suitcase isn't bigger.


Can you find the giant key?!

Zaha Hadid's moving exhibit.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Incredible detail on the exterior.

The Eiffel Tower

Photo shoot on the top of the Eiffel Tower. 

Super excited to be on the top level of the Eiffel!!!

Incredible views.

This was taken after going all the way to the top. I was up so high!!!
Today was another free day in the city of Paris. I got to see and do many fun things. First, it involved visiting the flee market. I got to see antiques, modern pieces of furniture, art, jewelry, and the people of Paris. Getting there involved traveling on the metro. The more I use it the more comfortable I feel, but still am used to the Britain way of doing things on the underground. Some differences include: the labeling of the stations, having to open the door yourself when you need to exit the car, and to find your stop you have to find the end location first and then get on that route, having a new ticket for every time you enter the metro. But we made it there and began our journey through the flea market by first encountering men trying to sell handbags and sunglasses. They had booths set up with leather jackets and bags, jewelry, one vendor was selling hair products like shampoo and conditioner and hair color. We walked up a street and found the antiques and furniture. I saw many Eames chairs, chandeliers, artwork, and odd objects. Later we found our way to Zaha Hadid, ate a quick lunch, walked by Notre Dame, and made a quick visit to the grocery store, went to the eiffel tower and rode all the way to the very top.Yes that is right! I went to the very top of the Eiffel Tower! What a life experience!!! The views of Paris were incredible and the experience was everything I could have hoped for and more. I  LOVED IT SO MUCH!