Friday 3 June 2011

Today we went to the great city of Bath. I love this town and all of the great things it had to offer. We went to the Roman Baths which were close to 2000 years old. The exterior of the Baths had huge corinthian columns and a large pediment. When you first enter, the space is filled with a huge dome and we got headsets to hear the individual displays throughout the museum. May favorite part was the first glance as you exited out of the building and into the area where the bathing pool was located. The sun was shining on the green water and the statues around the upper level all had the sun illuminating on them. After the Roman Baths, we went to the Fashion Museum also located in Bath. I loved seeing all of the different styles of women clothing and how they changed over the ages. At the beginning they were more straight and column like dresses, gradually adding lower necklines, and also moving the waist to accentuate the hips. After the museum we went to see the Royal Cresent.   It was an amazing sight to see. The street opened up and the buildings form four crescents around a center circle of grass and trees. After the museum we walked around to the different shops and had some fun shopping.  I got a new bag that was purchased from New Look and I got some souvenirs for family.  Looking forward to three free days...

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