Tuesday 21 June 2011

June 21, 2011 Free Day in Paris

Today was another free day in Paris. To sum up the day I say the Paris Opera House, Champs de Elysee, The French Statue of Liberty, and once again my favorite-the Eiffel Tower. The Paris Opera House was incredible and what a treat to see.  I had been looking forward to seeing it for awhile. Before going inside we watched some performers outside and enjoyed some free entertainment. The interior was also incredible to see but the lighting wasn't the greatest for good photos. But what an experience! One day I hope to go back to Paris and see an actual opera inside the Opera House. But for now I am a satisfied tourist. After enjoying the opera house we walked along the Champs de Elysse. This street is a major tourist and shopping center. The shops along the street were fun to go inside but the price tags didn't match what was in my wallet. Later that night, I made my way to the French Statue of Liberty and caught another visit to the Eiffel Tower. I just can't get enough of that tower. Its an incredible piece of architecture and has come to represent the French culture. What a day!!

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