Friday 17 June 2011

June 13, 2011 Goodbye Ireland

Street view of Belfast, Ireland. 

Can you believe this is where I bought some groceries? Not at all like the grocery stores back home. 

Ireland's money bills. 
Belfast architecture.
I found this image on the side of a trash can. Pretty fancy!
Today was my last day in the city of Belfast. It involved a lot of walking and shopping. We went to some stores in the Victoria Mall and to some souvenir shops. While walking around I snapped some pictures of the architecture that I liked.  My first picture is of a city street with the different shop fronts and cobblestone streets. The second picture is of the facade of the grocery store that we got some goodies from before we left. The next photograph is of the money here which is very interesting and different from the money back home and the bills in London. They accept pounds and bills from the UK, but give you back their bills of currency. These were my last two bills that I needed to spend before I made my way back to London. I went to the grocery store and asked for all one pounds back. My wallet was a little heavy after that adventure, but helped me do laundry back at the flat later. The last two pictures involve scenes from my walk back to the hotel after our shopping was done throughout the city. The last picture I found on the side of a trash can on the street. Most of the trash or litter cans here are very fancy when compared to our black beauties back home. After shopping, we made our back to the hotel and ate some snacks before we made our journey back to London. We caught a bus back to the airport, went through security, had pat down number two, slept on the plane, landed in London and caught the underground. What a day!

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