Friday 17 June 2011

June 14, 2011 Back in London

Kensington Palace

Textile Exhibit held at the London National Theatre
Last glimpse of Big Ben and the London Eye

St. Paul's Cathedral mixed with some construction

The words that will always remind me of London

The stairs at our flat- Yep I lived on the fourth floor, or as the elevator voice would say, "Four  Floor".
Today we made our way to Kensington Palace, where the royals of the UK have resided in the past. They have set up the palace with a type of guessing game to find all of the royal seven princesses in the rooms that you tour. Clues and given on pieces of paper, books had pages open to bits of information about the princesses. Overall, some rooms were a little creepy and made me feel like I was going through a haunted house. I wasn't expecting it and was a little surprised by the experience. I found the clues and was able to successfully find all seven names. The exterior of the palace is under construction and explains the bad shot of the outside of  the palace. We also rode the metro to  go see a textile exhibit at the London National theater. The journey to the location was a little rough and took us a few stops. We were underground probably for an hour. But we took some stairs and saw the sun shining and continued to our location. The textile exhibit had some fun patterns and helped me think some more about my own patterns for this trip. Outside the exhibit, they had set up some overly large sofas and chairs. I thought that they were so fun and a great resting spot. On the way back to the flat, I  saw Big Ben and The London Eye for my last time while in London. What a great last day!

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