Saturday 25 June 2011

June 25, 2011 Welcome to Spain!!!!

The Olympic Needle in the distance with the disappearing stairs. 

The 1992 Olympic Stadium in Barcelona. 

My first view of the coast with the heat haze in the distance. 

Detail of a sidewalk! 

The magnifico city of Barcelona. 

My refreshing fruit smoothie, such bright and vivid colors. 

Dancing in the square-what a treat to witness!
I made my way from the streets of Paris to the streets of Barcelona, Spain today. As soon as I walked outside of the airport I could tell I was in a different place than France. The sun was shining and the air was humid with palm trees in the distance. We piled ourselves and our luggage onto a tour bus and started adjusting ourselves to the city of Barcelona. We stopped at the Olympic Stadium and the white Olympic Needle. I had forgotten that the olympics were in Barcelona in 1992. I also had my first view of the coast line and got to see what a heat haze looks like.  While looking out at the coast you could see the huge cruise ships all lined up and docked near the coast. When we were walking to the different places along the tour, I had to snap a photo to admire the sidewalks. They were incredible and great inspiration for pattern design. Also while viewing the coast I could also admire the view of the city in the distance. I could see Sagrada Familia and noticed how it towered above the many other buildings that surrounded it. After a very hot afternoon, we got to visit a market that sold everything that you could possibly want to eat. We had some very yummy and refreshing fruit smoothies. The market had fruit, meat, peppers, fish, and many more very fresh foods to choose from. While finishing off my fruit smoothie we made it to the fresh fish and seafood area. The taste of fruit and the smell of fish do not mix so well. It was a little harder to swallow what was in my mouth while being consumed by a strong fishy smell. Towards the end of our city and walking tour we found some music in an open area and got to see some dancing. The people would gather in large circles and were led by one person who directed the entire group by squeezing the person's hand next to them. It was an incredible sight to see and groups kept forming themselves and covered the entire square. What a great first day in Spain!!!! Excited to be in a different country and to experience new things!!!

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