Friday 10 June 2011

June 10, 2011 Cambridge

We visited the city of Cambridge today. The city includes many churches, colleges, and a good mix of different architectural styles. We had an excellent tour guide that gave us very many interesting facts and had a great english accent. As we were going on our tour, we saw many churches and cathedrals. He informed us that in Cambridge they have a higher percentage of church goers than in London. He said it might be because of the number of buildings, but I still found it interesting. I have a picture of a bookstore or a stationery store. He told us that these stores were given there names because of their "station" or place in town. They were placed near places of importance to the town. My second image is of Kings College. Students actually get to go to school in that building!  I wouldn't mind that any day. The chapel next to the college had some spectacular fan vaulting. Seeing a picture of fan vaulting is very different than standing in the space and being able to see it with your own eyes. What an experience! I wanted to find a blanket and lay down on the floor and just take a moment to view how amazing it was. Later in the tour we also got to see a few William Morris patterns and admire their beauty. After our tour was done, we got to go punting. At first, when I found out that we were going punting I imagined a bunch of design students playing some type of football. I soon found out that it involved long boats and a long metal stick. We loaded into two boats and were guided along the river and shared some laughs and found out about the colleges along the river. On the way back home, we passed a huge bike yard, instead of a "car yard" in the states. I thought it was interesting and choose to share. I had never seen that many bikes in one spot in my life. Guess what.... I am leaving for IRELAND TOMORROW!!!! Really early tomorrow morning at 5:30, which means waking up at 4:30... Oh boy!

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