Sunday 19 June 2011

June 19, 2011 Free day in Paris

Sunday in France.... I got to see the Arc de Triomphe. What a beautiful monument! It was commissioned by Napolean in 1806 to commemorate his victories. It is engraved with French general names that commanded during Napolean's reign. The design of the monument is based upon the Arc of Titius in Rome. The french arc is higher but has the same proportions. It is located at the end of Champs Elysee and in the middle of "Place Charles de Gaulle". This is a circular road where twelve other streets all meet. Another interesting fact is that all of the streets leading to the arc are named after French military leaders. For future reference, their are underpasses that take you right to the arc without having to cross the streets. Crossing a multi lane french road is a little scary. We all gave a huge sigh of relief after we crossed. Once to the arc, we made our to line and used our museum pass that made the visit free for us. We admired the details on the exterior and made the climb to the top. With a little research, I found out that I climbed 234 stairs. Not sure if that includes both ways- but a very good workout for the calf muscles.  Looking forward to another free day in Paris tomorrow!

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