Monday 6 June 2011

June 5, 2011

SCOTLAND!!!!!! SCOTLAND!!!!!!! The second day of our free days involved going to Scotland for the day and spending the night.  I can't believe that I got to go to Scotland!! Crazy. The day began by catching a train and riding it to Edinburgh. It was the longest train ride yet that I have been on, it was close to four hours long. But the views toward the end of the journey were incredible. We could see the rocky coast line and the water crashing up onto the rocks, and everything was so green. Once the train ride ended, we got off and found our way to our hotel. It was called Jury's Inn, a very nice and well designed hotel. We checked in and the girl had a strong scottish accent and topped it off by having red hair. We took our luggage to the rooms and we were off to exploring. We walked along the Royal Mile, which is in the center of the town and leads to the famous Edinburgh Castle. We took some pictures of the outside and walked around some more on the city streets. It started to blow and started to lightly rain. We stopped and talkesd with a man who lived in the town and he joked that it was the summertime in Scotland. Burrr! We also stopped and had some food at a local pub and I enjoyed a whiskey burger that was quite delicious. I got some souvenirs for family and a fun coat from H&M for myself. Day two in Scotland tomorrow...

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