Monday 6 June 2011

June 6, 2011

Day 2 in Scotland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a trip!!!! Today I woke up in a bed in the country of Scotland. Wow!!! I just realized I am using a lot of exclamation marks in this post but I can't show my excitement in any other way.  I got up and got ready. Then we were off to do some more sight seeing and shopping. After our shopping, we went back to the hotel and checked out of our rooms. We caught the train and were off back to London, but on our way back.... we went to the Alnick Castle a.k.a. THE HARRY POTTER CASTLE.  We were lucky to get a taxi to and from the castle for about 4 pounds a person. We got to tour the inside of the castle and the garden areas.  Time got away from us but we were still able to see a lot of things. The gardens were gorgeous and the state rooms were exquisite in their detailing. My favorite room was the dining room. The carvings were all carved wood and had an extremely detailed pattern. The furnishings, wall coverings, grand fireplace, and the view was beautiful. I also learned that the house holds two of the cabinets designed for Versailles but they now reside in the castle. They were beautiful cabinets and I wished I could have got a picture of them. But of course... no photography was allowed.. Bummer! After the castle we toured the gardens and saw the rose gardens, they weren't quite in bloom yet like other gardens we have seen. We also saw a huge fountain of water that was incredible but hard to take a good picture of.  People like to gather by the good stuff, so taking a good picture is a little tricky.  After the castle, we got our taxi driver to pick us up and take us back to the train station.  We rode the train and got off at King's Cross. This is where the famous 9  and 3/4 platform is at. We got a few laughs and smiles from the locals but had a great time in the world of Harry Potter.  Tomorrow is at Chatsworth! More great things to come but first some sleep please...

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