Friday 24 June 2011

June 24, 2011 Last day in Paris

Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise

Path to the many different headstones in the cemetery. 

View of the Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise.

An eclair waiting to be eaten by my hungry mouth.

Sketching at the Eiffel Tower.

Art exhibit of abstractions of the Eiffel Tower.

Me and my yummy creme brulee!
The last day in Paris... well all good things must come to an end. But not really! I get to go to Spain next. Yay!!!! Well today involved a surprise visit to the Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise. This cemetery is more common to me as the site of where they filmed the Phantom of the Opera cemetery scene. We visited this landmark in Paris for pattern inspiration. All of the different headstones were very elaborate and detailed works of art. Many of the older headstones were small structures themselves and had intricate details. The cemetery actually covers a grand total of 109 acres. Wow! It is a place that I could easily get lost in if I went off of the cobblestone paths. After walking and gaining inspiration at the cemetery I had a yummy eclair for dessert. Overall, one of my favorite desserts on this trip are chocolate eclairs. The french definitely know how to make their pastries. Later after some packing, I ventured back to the Eiffel Tower for some sketching. I found a quiet spot and began putting pen on paper. It was a great time to sit and enjoy the Eiffel Tower while also being able to reflect on my stay while in Paris. I had been able to see so much and experience what the city had to offer all in a short amount of time. After sketching and enjoying the view of the tower, I walked back to my hotel. Along the way home, there was a collection of abstractions of the Eiffel Tower by various artists. It was fun to see how one shape could be converted into so many different things. To finish off my last night in Paris, I went out to dinner with some girls from my group to our favorite "Amalfi's". This restaurant served italian cuisine and were very friendly with us. When we would walk past their restaurant they would always wave and smile to us. It was fun to have friends in a foreign country. They also made excellent food and spoke English which helped if we had any questions. To end this night I had some delicious pasta and a creme brulee for dessert. I had to have something that was authentic to France on my last night. What a great place and I hope to return someday with a special someone!! Tomorrow I will be in Spain-I'm excited for a change of scenery and looking forward to it with high hopes.

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