Tuesday 21 June 2011

June 22, 2011 Sacre Coeur

The stairs in Paris are great workouts, especially when you climb lots of them. 

The exterior of Sacre Coeur in the Byzantine style of architecture. 

The view made the climb completely worth it! I was standing at the highest point in Paris when I took this photo.

We got to watch portraits evolve in front of our eyes. 

My dinner being prepared right in front of me. Yummy!

Sweet delights! Makes my mouth water if I stare at it for too long. 

Today involved working on patterns that are a requirement of this grand European adventure. The inspiration for patterns is everywhere you look in the places that we have visited but a little different once you put pen to paper. I am excited to be able to work on them once I get home and refine my skills in photoshop and illustrator. We visited a church called Sacre Coeur, which is at the highest part of France. The views surrounding the building were incredible and showed the entire city of Paris.  Every building has a history and so much more detail than buidings back home.  The inside of the Sacre Coeur was majestic and I enjoyed seeing the dome stretch high above me while I craned my neck to see the very top. While inside, photos were not allowed but I took plenty of the exterior. After touring the church, we ventured out to the nearby streets. I did what I like to do best- shopping! I found a lot of souvenirs and ended with a delicious crepe filled with ham, egg, and cheese. I have really enjoyed eating them but still need to try a dessert crepe instead of just a savory one. After shopping and visiting the Sacre Coeur we made our way back to the hotel on the metro. I felt like a true American tourist with my map and all out in the open, but we made it to our stop "Dupleix". Later that night after admiring my purchases I made my way to the nearest grocery store or as they call them "Super Marche". The one I have been to in the past was closed, so I ended up walking down the other direction to the end of the street. I entered the store and found clothes and beauty products on the lower floor. Next, I rode the escalator up hoping that was where the food was. I was right and found the food. I couldn't read the signs so I walked down the aisles hoping to find what I needed. Over time, I found my items and made my way to the checkstand. I had grabbed some fruit but for some reason the checker wouldn't allow me to get it. I think that I had to buy it in a different area of the store. Whoops! I tried to be healthy but was unsuccessful. Made my way back home and tried to catch up on blogging.  Tomorrow we are going to... VERSAILLES! I am so excited and thrilled to have this opportunity.

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