Wednesday 8 June 2011

June 8, 2011

Today we went to Windsor Castle, the queen's residence. It is the oldest inhabited castle in the world and an amazing castle to visit. We had a tour of the exterior and then were able to tour St. George's Chapel and watch the changing of the guards in the courtyard. After the changing of the guards, we got to tour the state rooms. The rooms were absolutely gorgeous and were designed in the Baroque style. It was incredible to stand and visit the grand residence of the Queen. After the tour of her majesties dwellings we got to explore the nearby city and had lunch. After we got home, we took a small break and then went and explored High Kensingston Street. This area had some really fun stores and shopping. I didn't spend any money today, and am quite happy about that. We went into a shop that sold Aalto vases, modern furniture, and made me smile just looking through the window. It's great to be with people who have a love for design and get excited over the same things as you. We also went to a shopping mall called Harod's. This place is as posh and ritzy as it can possibly get. Every floor was filled with overpriced and amazing treasures. The sales associates who worked there would glance at us but give us a small smile. I felt like I needed to change my wardrobe and add a few hundred thousand dollars to my bank account to even feel like I fully belonged in the space. My favorite were the chocolate areas, sculpture, furniture, and the lighting. This day was a great day to add to the many that I have had so far in London. Early morning tomorrow... 6:45 AM. YIKES!!!!!

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